Closing one door so another can open..

While the election did not turn out the way that I and many others had hoped, I am proud of how both campaigns (this one and the one 4 years ago) centered around bringing our community together for our kids. …
While the election did not turn out the way that I and many others had hoped, I am proud of how both campaigns (this one and the one 4 years ago) centered around bringing our community together for our kids. …
Waking up early on election day. My internal body clock is still on daylight savings time, so I have been waking up at 4:30 am. Normally, I would record a video to thank you all, but I am not fully …
Feeling blessed..thank you everyone for your support Read more »
Wrapped up my last night walking door to door with my good friend Kim Webb. The best part? Having many, many people tell me they early voted and voted for me or that they had already decided to vote for …
As I was walking Jack this morning on our normal 3.5 mile walks (the vet says that is what is keeping this 14 1/2 year old “old man” acting like a puppy), we had 4 people stop in their cars, …
This morning was very special, I witnessed so much love between parents and kids this morning at Stephens Elementary’s All ProDad kick-off. Both of my kids attended Stephens and they were very fond years in our lives. It felt like …
What a great way to start a Friday – All Pro Dads kickoff at Stephens Elementary Read more »
This week was a crazy busy week. Many people think when you are on a school board that all you do is attend one monthly meeting. Well…not quite…there is a LOT more time commitments than that. A typical week will …