Feeling blessed..thank you everyone for your support

Waking up early on election day. My internal body clock is still on daylight savings time, so I have been waking up at 4:30 am. Normally, I would record a video to thank you all, but I am not fully awake yet, so thought it would just be best to write.
I cannot put into words the support, encouragement and kind words I have received throughout this campaign. For every kind word or thought I have received, I could give 10 back. You and your kids all inspire me to keep going. No matter what happens today, know that I will continue advocating for all stakeholder voices at the table.
The last six months truly show if you put kindness into this world, you receive kindness right back.
From my whole inner being, thank you! Now let’s all get out to the polls (if you haven’t already) and vote!
#Pile4BooneEd #VoteKY #BooneNation
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