What a great way to start a Friday – All Pro Dads kickoff at Stephens Elementary

This morning was very special, I witnessed so much love between parents and kids this morning at Stephens Elementary’s All ProDad kick-off. Both of my kids attended Stephens and they were very fond years in our lives. It felt like going back home, lots of hugs and smiles from staff, teachers and former administrators. To believe my now adult and almost adult children were once that small really shows how fast time does fly. Enjoy them when they are little!
I love these practices of All Pro Dad events – telling your child/parent what you are proud of them for, telling them you love them, sharing gratitudes. What a great way to start the day!
The other day, a friend of mine posted on social media, a “text your child that you love them” challenge. He unfortunately, lost his daughter and it was a way to honor her memory on her birthday. Too often, life is busy and we don’t tell loved ones and our children that we love them or let people know we are grateful for them. Let’s all try to be more conscious of doing that. It just might completely flip someone’s day for them.
This was a great video that was shared:
#OnceaStingerAlwaysaStinger #Twuzz #AllProDads #Grateful #Proud #FSCE
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