Closing one door so another can open..

While the election did not turn out the way that I and many others had hoped, I am proud of how both campaigns (this one and the one 4 years ago) centered around bringing our community together for our kids. We stayed positive, never attacking my opponents. I led by example of how I want my kids to act and treat others in this world and hopefully I have done that.
I have put many, many endeavors and opportunities to the back burner while I served on the board. I do not regret that, but God is closing one door and forcing me to be bold and stride through the next for a reason. And I fully trust him in the next journey.
I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know so many people in our community. Watching kids grow up and thrive. Advocating for our underrepresented populations. I am extremely proud of our new turf fields at all of our high schools and the new beautiful auditorium at Boone County High School. It will be a jewel for the community.
I will still be active in the education realm, serving on state committees and on the United We Learn Council. Gary Public Schools and Delaware schools will be happy to have my full attention. But my efforts will be more focused on the regional, state and national level.
I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me on election day, telling me they voted for me and for all the sweet messages today, thanking me for all that I have done for our kids.
I am going to take some time to step back and take care of myself and set some boundaries. So if I do not immediately respond to a message, email or text, it is ok, I am not being rude or ignoring you, I am just setting boundaries which honestly, I should have done quite some time ago. I encourage everyone else to do the same. Get outside, enjoy Mother Nature, take walks, spend time with family doing things you enjoy to recharge your batteries. Life is too short.
I will be shutting my school board Facebook page down as soon as the election results are certified. If you want to stay up to date on my happenings, feel free to follow me or ParentCamp on the various social media platforms.
Now, I am going to go take a nap, because I can and I deserve it.
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