A journey that just kind of happened….

Back in October, I stepped on the scale and wasn’t too pleased with what I saw. I knew I needed to do something, but I also knew I was not a “diet” or go to a gym or group workout kind of person. I needed to make a lifestyle change.
I had been walking everyday 2.2 miles with the dog. Up and back from our house to the shopping center down the street. It was a 1.1 one way mile walk. That wasn’t doing anything. What could I do next?
I poked around on my Fitbit app and discovered I could track calories. I had tracked calorie input a long time ago, but it was so tedious I gave up. The Fitbit app makes it much easier. The database is pretty comprehensive and it is nice to be able to scan barcodes. Once I started tracking calories, I realized how many I had been eating.
I quickly realized using simple math, less calorie intake than output is going to result in weight loss. Also fruits & veggies really do have less calories so one can pretty well have at them. I am also much more conscious about my choices when we eat out.
So since October 2019, I have tracked calories and I started changing up my walking routine. I still pretty well eat what I want, I just know if I want some ice cream, I have to save those calories for the treat. I get to decide and prioritize my calories, which is fundamental for me to stick to anything. I have control, not someone telling me what to do.
When I started to hit a weight loss plateau, I decided to change-up to walking different routes, sometimes I walk the golf cart paths at the golf course. Did you know there are some decent hills on golf courses? There is this one hill, that man, kicks my buxx every time. I started to notice a difference in the “burn” when I was walking by changing it up. Also, the distance increased to now an average of 3.5 miles and minimum 10,000 steps a day.
AT the beginning of my journey, I promised myself I would only weight once a week and that would be on Fridays. The reason – who doesn’t love Fridays? If the result is good, makes for a better day, if the result is meh, well it is still Friday and there is another chance next week.
As of today, I have lost 28 lbs. My original goal was 25, but since I was on a role and in a new healthy routine, I have kept at it. Many weeks was only 1 or 2 lbs, but eventually it does add up and I know, this is something I can stick with, it has been a life style change.
The other thing my journey has done is that it has shown my daughter the right way to manage weight and to be more conscious of what we eat. That has been a very valuable lesson for both of us.
#MyJourney #WeightLoss #BeingHealthy #InControl
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