The First Blog Post
I have been wanting to start blogging for a few years. I have had a number of people tell me I should, but I kept telling myself, when I get my website set-up and running, then I can start blogging. Reality is, I spend most of my time promoting my clients and working with them to grow, that I have not taken the time to set my own website up. I don’t really need it to promote my business, I receive plenty of referrals and work on cool projects so it has not been a priority.
Something changed this year and that was my choice of my #oneword for the year..contentment. The story of how that word came to the surface is the topic of another blog post (I have a running list). Needless to say, to work on that one word for this year, was to finally take some time for myself to begin putting my website together and start blogging. The basic skeleton of the website is coming together slowly so forgive me if it is not complete and it really is not up to par of what I do for my clients, but the platform is now there for me to begin putting my thoughts down into words and hopefully some videos too. You didn’t see it at that very moment, but I just jotted down another blog post topic.
So what will readers of this blog be able to expect, many diverse topics that represent me and my passions. Which if you know me in the physical world can be pretty diverse. I started to brainstorm categories and it only took me a minute to come up with the following list:
And those topics pretty well cover what I am about from Parent Engagement and being involved in @ParentCamp to Social Media to just sharing information from a range of where I live and tips I find helpful. Often in my bios you will find the words #curator and #connector (oops there is another blog topic) and I guess that is really what it boils down to, curate information to share to help others and make connections so that people can meet and work together to make this world a better place.
There are plans for a page that will pull the topics for each category on to a single page so that a reader does not have to scroll through something that is not of interest to them. So hang in there with me until I get that capability up and running. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy or find useful some of the information I share and may at some point make you go “hmm.”
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