Guest Blog…first steps in the door

Well, this is the second blog post in a row regarding Boone County High School (@BCHS_Rebels1955) but my partner in crime, Paula McPeake (@PMCPeake1), was able to experience with her grandson his first official visit to the school and felt it was important to share.
“It was an exciting morning at BCHS as the students and faculty welcomed the incoming freshman into their proud family. The suspense built as they gathered by the door watching for five buses filled with 8th graders. By the looks on their faces those kids sure weren’t expecting the cheers and attention poured on them in the Commons.
Mr Schlotman and the mascot held the doors open wide as they entered, most for the first time. The cheerleaders cheered and the band played.
Then they were divided into three groups and rotated to three stations in an organized flow.
Our first was in the library to discuss schedules and classes. Next we made our way around the second floor above the gym as BCHS students proudly displayed their sports, clubs and extra curricular activities. They were polite and knowledgeable and it was obvious that they loved their school. The mascot roamed freely as did a student playing a ukulele.
The last stop was back in the Commons for what felt like a pep rally with the band, cheerleaders, chorus, and pep club. They taught us their chants and waved their Rebel towels.
I just want to thank Mr Schlotman, and his wonderful faculty for showing the students such an over the top welcome and giving them such a positive introduction to the whole high school experience.”

@Boone_County #RebelPride #MStoHSTransition
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