House Divided – Gold Star or Skyline?

If you are from or have traveled to Cincinnati, you quickly realize one of the food dishes which is a staple in the area is chili or cheese coneys.  There are two major players in the market Gold Star or Skyline and there are often discussions in homes, work and schools about which is better.  As with a number of other families, it is often a dividing point.  My son prefers Gold Star while my daughter prefers Skyline.  My son kept stating that if he was given both, he could tell which was which.  So while my husband is away on a trip, we did our own Gold Star/Skyline challenge.

I picked up two hotdogs with cheese from each restaurant for each child.  I then put each on a plate with a sticker underneath of which one was which.  The kids were upstairs and when they came down before they entered the kitchen, they were blindfolded.  They each tried one and thought they knew which one it was.  They took a drink of water and took a bite of the other hotdog.  They both got confused and weren’t sure which was which.  My adamant son was now perplexed.  They took a bite of each again and made their guesses.  My son was wrong while my daughter was right.  Interesting that it did not change either of their preferences.

Then it was my turn with a chili cheese dog.  I was completely wrong, but it did increase my senses about each of the chilis.  I thought I always preferred Gold Star, but I realized it was a little bit more spicy than Skyline but I prefer the thickness of Gold Star over Skylines.

Yes, the things we do during the summer to pass the time and entertain ourselves.  The kids had fun and that is all that matters.


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