Inspiration – “If I don’t, who will?”

So I was asked by the President of the Kentucky PTA to give the inspiration at our Friday evening dinner at the annual conference.  I usually shy away from invocations or inspirations, because they really are not something I am comfortable with doing, but as my PLN (professional learning network) has taught me, you need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.  So I agreed.  As I was walking my dog this morning, the inspiration came to me.  I truly hope it might inspire others.

There once were two neighbors, Luke and Jenny,  who could often be found walking their dogs along the main drive of their subdivision.  It was a nice sidewalk winding up and down small hills with some open areas over looking ponds and neighborhood pools.  Their routines were such that normally their paths did not cross, but on this particular morning, Luke and Jenny happen to be walking at the same time.  The dogs and neighbors feel into step with each other.

Jenny noticed in the past that when Luke walked he would often stop, bend over and pick something up from the ground and not at the same time his dog stopped and did his business.  Luke did the same thing on this day as Jenny walked along side him on this sunny day and realized he was picking up small specs of litter.  Curiosity got the best of her so she asked him why he was picking up the litter.  Luke said “every little spec matters, if we let all the specs build up, imagine what we would have.”  Luke continued stopping and picking up litter as they chatted.

They continue walking along the path, Luke carrying his bag and eventually they arrive at a large intersection, so they turn around and start heading back.  They shortly pass a trash can on their way back and Jenny asked Luke if he was going to put the bag of litter in the trash can.  He said no, there will be more littler to pick-up on the way back.  Jenny was confused, Luke had been pretty thorough.  Luke said “I have noticed that when I walk back, I find litter that I miss.  You see, when the grass is mowed, they make passes in different directions, so the litter is not visible from one direction but is from another.  Also, when I walk in the different directions, the sun’s rays will reflect off the litter depending on the direction that I am going.  So depending on your perspective, you may see things you did not notice before.”

As Luke and Jenny finished their walk, they met at a corner and were about ready to go their separate ways.  Jenny had one last question for Luke.  “Do you realize it probably adds a good 15 minutes on to your walk when you make all of those stops. Why do you do it?”  Luke answered, “If I don’t, who will”.

The next day, Luke and Jenny’s timing of their walks did not match up again.  This time Luke ended up walking a distance behind Jenny.  As Jenny walked down the street, Luke noticed that Jenny stopped, bent over, picked up a spec of litter, put it in her bag and then moved on.

So my challenge to you, what spec is going to get your attention enough to notice it and give it some attention?, by changing your perspective or lens what will you notice or will your views change? if you don’t advocate for our schools or children, who will?, if you lead by example, you never know what type of impression you will leave.

#kypta18 #inspiration #perspectives #IfIDontWhoWill #OutsideComfortZone #KentuckyPTA #NationalPTA #ptcamp #ParentCamp

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