Bucket List Item for my NKy Community, thank you NKy Tribune for listening

So anyone who knows me, I am a major calendar user. I live by my Outlook calendar. I have always wanted there to be one calendar where the NKY community could visit to see what is going on, check for conflicts before an organization schedules an event AND be able to place items on the community calendar themselves. I don’t know how many times multiple events have been scheduled on the same day and at the same time that I wished I could attend.
I came across a on-line calendar system a few years ago which works really well called TeamUp. It is really functional and easy to use and intuitive. I considered hosting it myself, but knew that I really needed more creditability for it to truly take off. I had been in conversations with Judy Clabes of the NKy Tribune on another subject so I mentioned it to her in passing. She was very interested, they were thinking of revamping their calendar and were actually in discussions with a couple of other organizations about doing exactly what I was talking about.
After a few meetings with Jacob Clabes and setting the calendar up along with a Google Form so that access could be requested, we have a community calendar which can be found at http://www.nkytribune.com/northern-kentucky-calendar/! Checkmark that box off the bucket list!
A number of organizations have already requested access, but we know there are more out there. I would especially like to see the schools get on board for publishing their community events.
If you haven’t visited the calendar, check it out. You can view it in different formats such as day, week, year or list. You can also set-up notifications or calendar feed so that you are notified when something is added to it.
And thank you NKY Tribune, this would not have happened without your partnership or support.
#LoveNKY #StayOrganized #CommunityResource #CommunityCalendar #BetterTogether
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