Contentment…Making Sure the Spotlight is on the Client

Contentment…Making Sure the Spotlight is on the Client

I am not one who seeks the spotlight.  Anyone who knows me, knows I like to be the behind the scenes person.  I feel I can be most effective in that capacity.  I grin ear to ear when my clients are the ones in the limelight.

Today was one of those days.  Most days I make a list of 3-4 tasks often working on websites, writing stories or pushing posts.  Most of the time I am pretty successful in crossing items off.  Today was not one of those days.  Today was a day of craziness. A good kind.  I have been in my element for the past 24 hours.  When a client does something that I immediately sense can go viral, it is the challenge to make that happen that keeps me focused for hours upon end.  Who can I tag or where can I post to get it picked up?  I have been blessed enough to have this opportunity one time before.  I am actually getting the opportunity to do it again?

I am heading to bed with an exhausted brain, but I know it was worth it.  When we have three out of four local TV stations pick-up on my client’s story along with two on-site interviews and numbers such as those in the picture.  Yes, that is a 50k reach on a post!  I know I have done well.  Next task, to get my client the national media attention which I believe this story has potential.

Thank you for allowing me to participate in your wild ride and trusting in me to tell your story.

#ItIsWhatIDo #GoodPeopleDeserveIt #ViralChallenge

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