One of the best memories…3 years ago..viral Snowhemian Rhapsody snow closing video adventure with @JimDetwiler1 & @LaughwithChad

@JimDetwiler1 @LaughwithChad #GoMakeStuff #ViralVideo #SnowhemianRhapsody #parentcamp #twuzz
It was about 3 years ago today that I was involved in one of the most fun adventures in my life. We had an engaging teacher and leadership team at Stephens Elementary and as PTA President. Thanks to our Principal Jim Detwiler (now Asst Super Dr. Jim Detwiler) I always felt part of that team. I remember getting a text at 5am in the morning when the snow cancellation was made. Chad told me that he and Jim had made a snow closing video to Bohemian Rhapsody and asked if I would post it.
Once I watched the video, I KNEW it was viral material. People often ask how you get a video to go viral. It isn’t the making of the video go viral, but the video content itself that will make it go viral. True, authentic, unstaged content. I headed down to my computer in my pajamas and started working away. I uploaded it to the school’s YouTube Channel and started tagging news personnel. I had developed a relationship with many of them on Twitter and asked them to share it. It immediately took off. First the local channels, then it started to creep up the network chain. About 6 hours later (still in my pajamas) and with very tired fingers from typing and tagging, it eventually made its way across the ocean to Europe and up to the national level including the front page of YouTube, The Today Show, Good Morning American and an interview of Jim by Katie Couric. Brian May of Queen even retweeted a tweet containing a link to the video. I think that was the highlight for me.
During a very dreary and long winter, it was a great distraction and also a lesson in humility. Jim and Chad never let their 15 minutes of fame go their head. It was all about making people laugh and smile in our community and teach kids to #GoMakeStuff.
Thank you for inviting me to go on the ride Chad and Jim and also thank you for embracing parents as partners with our schools. When the talents and resources of our parents and community are tapped, you never know what can happen.
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